


There are numerous ways you can participate and make a difference!

今年11月, Herzing is embracing the season of giving with open arms during our annual # GivingTuesday initiative. 这是软件下载最喜欢的校园纪念活动之一, #捐赠星期二是软件下载作为一个社区聚集在一起的日子, 无论是校内还是校外, 去支持真正重要的事业.

# GivingTuesday began in 2012 with a simple yet meaningful idea: create a day that inspires people to do good. 从那时起, it has become a global movement that celebrates the act of giving and encourages people to make a positive impact on the world.

There are numerous ways you can participate and make a difference! 你是否在申请Herzing # GivingTuesday奖学金 or if you just want to give back to the community this time of year, we'll explore some creative and meaningful ideas for giving back this GivingTuesday.

1. Donate

One of the most straightforward ways to give back is by donating to a charity or nonprofit organization that aligns with your values. 捐款的形式和规模各不相同. 你可以捐钱给 浙江大学学生危机基金, or you can give canned goods to a food bank or your gently used jackets to a coat drive. 唯一的限制是你的想象力! Research and choose a cause that resonates with you and contributes to their efforts.

2. Volunteer

给予并不总是和钱有关. Your time is a valuable resource, and volunteering can be incredibly fulfilling. Look for local organizations, shelters or community centers that could use an extra hand. There are literally thousands of opportunities for you to contribute your time!

你可以通过寻找机会来发挥你的优势 运作. The site matches you with volunteer opportunities that align with your passions and your cause. 如果你只在特定的时间有空, you will be paired with organizations that want your help when and where you can offer it!

3. 发起筹款活动或捐赠活动

Is there a particular cause you are passionate about but can’t find a way to give back? 你可以考虑开始自己的筹款活动. Use social media and crowdfunding platforms to raise money for charities and nonprofits. 在数字时代, you can participate in virtual events to raise funds and awareness for various causes. Participate in online charity auctions, virtual walks, or live-streamed charity concerts. 无论是医学研究, 救灾或教育, 你的努力会产生实质性的影响.

如果你没有时间组织筹款活动, 你可以聚集朋友, family, 或者同事组织一次捐赠活动. 你可以收集必需品,比如衣服, food, or hygiene products for the homeless or a nonprofit organization. Find a local shelter or charity in need of these items and make a significant contribution to their cause.

4. 善举

Small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect that ultimately makes a big difference. 为陌生人的咖啡买单, 给别人留一张鼓励的便条, 或者帮助年老的邻居做家务. If you have a skill or knowledge in a particular area, consider sharing it with others. 提供指导或授课. This can be especially valuable for young people looking to develop skills or advance in their careers. 虽然你的行为可能不会成为一个伟大的社交媒体帖子, 他们传播正能量,让世界变得更美好.

5. 支持你的社区

Small businesses are often faced with more challenges than their larger corporate competitors. 在你为假期做准备的时候, make an effort to support local businesses by shopping at local stores, 在当地餐馆吃饭或参加当地活动. 您的支持不仅直接影响业务, but it also positively influences the economy and surrounding community. 小企业星期六, 每年感恩节后的星期六举行, 是支持企业的理想机会吗, 和家庭, 这让软件下载的社区变得伟大.

虽然支持当地社区总是很有价值的, 重要的是不要忽视更大的全球社区. 参加有益于环境的活动, 比如植树, 海滩清理或回收活动. Reducing your carbon footprint and preserving natural resources is a powerful way to give back to the planet.


Life can get hectic, but amongst the chaos, don’t forget to take a moment to express your gratitude. Write thank-you notes to people who have made a positive impact in your life, 不管是朋友, family, 或同事. Recognizing and appreciating others can inspire kindness and generosity while giving you a feeling of belonging and fulfillment.

有无数的方式来参与这个捐赠星期二, 你不需要做什么大事来改变世界. 通过参与这些想法, you can contribute to the greater good and inspire others to do the same. Remember, the act of giving back is not limited to one day a year—it's a practice that can and should continue throughout the year.




*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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